(HISTORICAL) Scaling Apprenticeship Through Sector-Based Strategies

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    Funder Type

    Federal Government

    IT Classification

    B - Readily funds technology as part of an award


    Employment and Training Administration (ETA)


    The purpose of this grant program is to support sector-based approaches to expanding efforts to develop and implement apprenticeships on a national scale in key industry sectors. The overarching goals of this grant program are threefold: (1) to accelerate the expansion of apprenticeships to new industry sectors reliant on H-1B visas, (2) to promote the large-scale expansion of apprenticeships across the nation, and (3) to increase apprenticeship opportunities for all Americans. 
    Recognizing that apprenticeship is a training strategy that operates on both the supply side and the demand side of the labor market, this grant program aims to increase both the number of apprenticeship positions and the ability of all Americans to gain access to this proven pathway to great careers. On the demand side, the grant seeks to broaden apprenticeship opportunity by:
    • Expanding apprenticeships to H-1B industries or occupations that have not typically used apprenticeships to bring new entrants into the workforce—such as information technology, advanced manufacturing, banking and finance, and health care—and to upskill those already employed in these industries to bolster the sector's competitiveness;
    • Increasing the level of apprenticeship activity among a range of new employers within these industry sectors, particularly small- and medium-sized businesses; and
    • Promoting a sector-based approach to large-scale expansion of apprenticeships that 1) include a paid, work-based learning component and a required educational or instructional component that results in the issuance of an industry-recognized credential and 2) meet appropriate quality assurance standards. 
    This grant program will also support an array of activities designed to assist industry in developing and expanding new apprenticeship programs. These activities will include the development of industry-approved, competency-based curricula for both on-the-job and classroom training; and the development of appropriate quality assurance and data systems and processes. 
    On the supply side, this grant program aims to ensure a sustained, rich pool of talent for apprenticeship programs over the long term. Hence, grant funds will support a variety of efforts to increase access to apprenticeship among all Americans, particularly veterans, military spouses, and transitioning service members, and underrepresented populations in apprenticeship, including women, people of color, and ex-offenders.

    History of Funding

    This opportunity is the latest in a long line of Department of Labor H-1B visa funded workforce development grant opportunities featuring partnerships between employers, workforce development groups, and education and training providers. Previous iterations of this grant and their awardees are as follows:

    Scaling Apprenticeship Through Sector-Based Strategies grant winner information: https://www.dol.gov/newsroom/releases/eta/eta20190624

    Additional Information

    Grant funds must be used primarily to support the training of thousands of apprentices in new or expanded programs. Allowable training and training-related activities include the academic and work-based training itself, and may also include supportive services, such as childcare and transportation, designed to assist apprentices to participate and remain in an apprenticeship program. 


    Ariam Ferro

    Ariam Ferro
    200 Constitutional Ave. NW
    Washington, DC 20210
    (202) 693-3968

  • Eligibility Details

    Grant funds will be awarded to institutions of higher education in partnership with national industry associations.

    Deadline Details

    Applications were to be submitted on October 16, 2018.

    Award Details

    Approximately $150,000,000 is available in funding. Between 15 and 30 grants will be awarded ranging from $1,000,000 to $12,000,000. The grant size will depend on the size of the targeted industry sector and the proposed scale of the apprenticeship project. This program requires cost sharing or matching funds. Such funds may be in the form of cash or in-kind contributions and must be equal to 35 percent of the total Federal share of costs. 

    Related Webcasts Use the links below to view the recorded playback of these webcasts

    • Maximizing Technology-friendly Workforce Development Grants - Sponsored by Panasonic - Playback Available
    • Funding Data-driven Workforce Development Projects - Sponsored by NetApp - Playback Available
    • Top 10 Local Grant Programs You Won't Want to Miss in 2015 - Sponsored by Sprint - Playback Available


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